And so we begin Variety Smack.

As long as you disregard the fact that Harold and I have never actually met in person, this strip adequately describes how the two of us started working together. That's why our original foray into web comics failed. We just kind of jumped into it without any preparation.

Well, that is not what you are getting with Our Adventure Continues. With the start of the Variety Smack series of strips, you are reading what Harold and I have been working hard on for the last few months.

Also, with the start of Variety Smack, we will be posting two days a week. That's right, every Tuesday and Thursday you will get a brand new strip, and as we are a good 15 weeks ahead, I can tell you with absolute certainty that there is some really good stuff coming up.

Oh, and hey, tell us what you think. We are dying for some feedback. Leave a comment here or email us at ouradventurecontinues@gmail.com

Don't forget about our contest. The winner will get to appear in a strip this July. This is how you can enter. Just share this post. That's it. Soon we will post about the page on Facebook, so you can find that via our Facebook page and share that post. Or, do the same at Google+, or do the same at Twitter ... or do all three and get your name in the hat three times! (Links to the Facebook page, Google+ page, and Twitter page will be below)

But you don't have to find those posts on our various social networking sites just to enter this contest. You can choose to go and post about it yourself on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, or even post about it on the forum of your choice. However you choose to do it, just email a link to your post to ouradventurecontinues@gmail.com (with "OAC Contest" in the subject line) so that we can put your name in the hat.

We will draw one name in May, and the winner will be featured in a strip to be posted in July.

See you all on Thursday.

Facebook Page - LINK

Google+ Page - LINK

Twitter Page - LINK


  1. Love this strip... even after all this time! Suggestion: every Wednesday, if you don't have new material, drag out the reruns - they're still great!
